The mere mention of bats conjure images of vampires and bloodthirsty creatures, preying on humans. While vampire bats will drink the blood of cattle, they do not bother humans. If anything, it is the humans who destroy bats.
A Place For Bats by Melissa Stewart, gives a factual look at bats beyond the myths. Vampire bats are just one of 1100 species of bats throughout the world. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Bats are useful in eating pesky insects and carrying nectar which helps pollinate plants. These are just a few of the fascinating facts about bats found in a A Place For Bats.
The beautiful acrylic illustrations by Higgins Bond not only show the lifelike features of the bats, but the scenic habitats as well. In fact, looking at the life like faces makes the bats appear almost adorable, not scary at all, and the forests and caves are stunning.
Besides giving the young reader accurate information about bats, author Melissa Stewart also takes a look at the environmental impact humans can have on bats and how they can spring into action to help the ecosystem by saving bats. By the end of the book, your child just may be convinced that they too need to put up a bat house in their own backyard. I was convinced I need to appreciate the bats at my favorite lake for eating the pesky mosquitoes. Recommended ages 4-8
Publishing Information
- Publisher: Peachtree Publishing March 2012
- Hardcover: 32 pages
- ISBN-13: 978-1-56145-624-6 / ISBN 10: 1-56145-624-1

**Disclosure: I received a copy of the book at no charge from the publisher. No other compensation was received. Receiving the book at no charge in no way influences opinion of the book. I do not accept books for review if asked to give a positive review in exchange for the book.
Contest details: Please use the Rafflecopter form to enter the contest. Winner will receive a copy of the book. By entering the contest, you agree to the terms and conditions on the form. Open to U.S. residents only. Contest begins 3/13/2012 and ends 3/27/2012 at 12:01 EST.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I know lots of kids, especially boys, who would be interested in this book. The subject alone makes it ideal for youngsters who are interested in the ecology of the natural world and, in particular the little-known world of bats. A bat house in the backyard would be the ideal thing to challenge their parents with, and what kid could resist that?
My children love animals. They were given a Zoo Books subscription that they eagerly look forward to each month. They would love to learn about the different varieties of bats. Understanding the myth about the vampire bats prevalence would be nice as well. Where we live, we have a lot of bats. Thanks!
my boys both love animals and are fascinated by anything that flies! Our current project is a butterfly garden but we have a bat house planned next. So this book would be fun!
My child loves to read and we don't have any about bats...yet...looks cute!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
my son loves anything creepy, so it would love this book
My daughter would love to know more facts about bats! We see them every year when camping and all she really knows is that they sleep upside down, are nocturnal and eat mosquitos! lol
My children love to read books about animals so they would love this one about Bats.
I think bats are amazing. I think my daughter would love the illustrations in this book.
My son loves learning about all animals, so I'm sure that he'll love this book.
my son would love learning about the vampire bats he's into weird stuff but he also would start doing everything to help the bats he found out trash hurts birds and we cant go anywhere without picking up trash
I love bats and I think my kids will love the illustrations.
april yedinak
My daughter would be interested in learning how bats can help the environment and seeing where they live.
We'd think that bats are rather icky and interesting - all at the same time!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
My 8 and 4 year olds would
love this. They have been fascinated by bats since we visited a bat cave on vacation recently. They would really enjoy reading this book!
aniwilsonintx at hotmaild dot com
I think my granddaughter would find it interesting to know that bats carry nectar to help pollinate plants.
My son loves animals of all kinds, but he's still learning about different kinds (not yet 2, but very bright).
My 2 sons would like to find out more information on bats. They think bats are very interesting.
My kids like to learn and my oldest really loves to read. They havent read much about bats.
We saw bats last night and I think he would love learning more about the things he sees around our property
My son loves animals, and books, so I'm sure he would love this.
My sons loves bats... I know they would love this book! Thanks!!!
We're a family of tree huggin, animal lovin eco-nuts so this is right up our alley. i'm sure our 4 year old, mikayla will love it!
I think any little boy would love learning about bats! they seem to be fascinated by them
My nephew would love this book. He's all about bats!
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
My GFC Name is Aunt Maggie Rocks
Maggie Ann True Armstrong
My grandsons would love this book!! They love nature - you know bugs, worms, bats, fish . . . The love the bats at the Dallas World Aquarium - they think they are AWESOME.
I think my 7 year old who loves bats would love the pictures!
I like that the book teaches facts about bats, instead of just telling a story! I would love to win it for my nephew! Thanks!
octoberthings at gmail dot com
I have a daughter with Asperger's that loves all animals, but especially the "misunderstood" animals that are often frightening. Bats are one of those mysterious animals that she likes. I'm sure she'd love to learn more about them.
my 6 year old loves to learn new animal facts. so this would be great
The Illustrations!
Kathy Davis
My grandson just recently saw bats flying around a streetlight and was fascinated......he would love this one!
I know both of my children would because we have been to programs on bats at our local state parks. Thank you
My son loves bats:)
The life like illusrtations will appeal to my child.
My daughter would love to read about the bat house.
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
My daughter loves to read about different animals!
My sons would love to learn about where bats live