Charlie Joe Jackson is the first to admit he's, "...not exactly what you'd call the most studious kid in the world." His world is about to be turned upside down when his parent's announce they plan on sending him to Camp Rituhbukee for summer school.
The only thing that will keep Charlie Joe from having to go to camp is getting straight A's and one B he was able to negotiate for good measure. Charlie realizes that doing all his homework is not going to quite cut it. He comes up with a brilliant plan to pad his grades with extra credit and when his friends agree to help, he figures not much can go wrong.
Thanks to the ingenious extra credit projects of his teachers, Charlie Joe ends up in student government courtesy of his crazy gym teacher, posing in a hilarious, if not a bit humiliating costume for his art teacher, and lands the lead in the school play for drama extra credit.
With the humorous bits of sarcasm Charlie Joe has become so notorious for, the middle grade reader will face bouts of irrepressible laughter while Charlie Joe's best laid extra plans slowly unravel. Author, Tommy Greenwald has become the master at drawing in the reluctant reader with his infamous short chapters which always pack a punch of irony. He adds a touch of middle school romantic angst when Charlie Joe meets the new girl, Zoe, and has to sort out his feelings between her and his lifelong crush, Hannah Spivero.
Exactly the humor that will captivate the older middle school reader, Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Extra Credit is a book every parent and teacher will want to share with their child. My son, the Charlie Joe Jackson idol and master homework procrastinator enthusiastically (well as enthusiastically as a self proclaimed non reader can) HIGHLY RECOMMENDS this book over anything else he has read all year (of course it may be the only book he's actually read, so I'm not sure what that says). Since I see so much of my son in Charlie Joe Jackson, I recommend the book as well. It's not just for the reluctant reader, but for the middle school boy or girl who loves to read AND laugh. Our household can't wait for the next installment, Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Summer Vacation.
Publishing Information
- Publisher: Roaring Book Press (Summer 2012)
- Ages: 9 and up
- Pages: 272 hardcover
- ISBN: 978-1-59643-692-3
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I have a 9 yo son that genuinely LOVES book that make hime laugh. This would be a great addition to our library to be passed to my younger son as well. thanks for the chance to win!
Charlie Joe speaks with a kid humor that appeals not only to kids, but to the kid in all of us. I know my daughter, who loves to "play" the school system would get a kick out of it. Thanks!
My son will love the humor in the book! He is a funny guy and appreciates everything that makes him laugh!